Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I can't seem to catch a break.

Scripture: Psalm 34:19
The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.
There are so many things in this world that trouble the righteous.  Sickness, anxiety, job security, and money troubles are all things people have to face.  We are blessed that we have a Lord who comes to the rescue EVERY time.
Where do I start!  This year alone I have been punched in the face by a student, drug my muffler around for a couple days, had no power in my classroom for 2 days, had the stomach flu and gotten my phone stolen.  Not to mention my daily struggle of thinking about the family I may never get to have.  I face so many troubles I am utterly exhausted. Just yesterday I asked Tom (through my sobs), "Is it too much to ask to have one good week?"  I can't seem to catch a break. 
Even though I may have troubles too overwhelming for me to bear they are not too burdensome for God.  God will rescue me if I let Him.  He will take my burdens from me and give the peace only He can give.  Whatever my trouble God can calm my fears.  Whether it is frustration with fighting students, a broken down car, teaching without technology, falling behind at work due to a sickness, having my phone stolen by a student, or even my fears about our family; God will come to my rescue.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being with me through all of my troubles.  Thank You for coming to my rescue. Thank You for the peace that You have given. Please continue to guide me through my troubles and give me peace. 


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