Friday, July 15, 2011

The First Ultrasound!

Our ultrasound was scheduled for 8:45 in the morning.  I wanted to make sure to get there early, so we got there at 8:30.  There were many women with ultrasound papers waiting so I knew we had a while.  The longer we sat the more nervous we got.  Would this baby have a cystic hygroma too?  Would there be another issue this time around?

After waiting about 50 minutes we were finally called back for our ultrasound.  We both stood and my heart started beating faster and I got butterflies in my stomach.  I was so nervous!  We walked back and I laid on the table.  The technician asked how we were doing.  I responded with a simple "ok" while Tom said, "We are just hoping for good news."  She looked at us funny and said, "Good news?  What do you mean?"  We explained what happened with Grant as she got ready.

She did not waste any time finding our little one.  She found the heartbeat and we got to listen to it.  We were afraid to ask, but did not have to.  "There is no cystic hygroma and your baby looks perfect at this point."  What a relief to hear.  God has heard and answered our prayers!

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.  Matthew 21:22

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!