Monday, October 10, 2011

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

This Satuday, October 15th, is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.  This is a day we remember our lost little ones.  We remember babies born asleep, or who we carried but not met.  Those we have held but couldn't take home.  The ones that make it home but couldn't stay.

I am asking that, not only will we remember our lost little ones, but that we remember the families that lost someone so special.  Please keep those families in your prayers this week as they take time to remember what they had and lost.  Pray that those families find peace in knowing God WILL give us glory!

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18

Pray that these families know that thier lost little one in now safely in the arms of Jesus.  Our little ones are on barrowed time.  God gives us our little ones to care for until they return to their true home.  Although our little ones were taken away too soon, we WILL be together in heaven one day.

If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Romans 14:8

Pray that these families understand that Gad has a family planned for them.  We do not know why the family we had planned did not work out, but God does.  He has a child waiting for us, yet we do not know where or when this child is coming.  Please pray for patientce for these families as they wait for God's plan to unfold.

He gives the childless couple a family, gives them joy as parents of children.
Psalm 113:9

Please pray for Tom and I this week as we remember Grant.  Please pray that we find answers to help us move forward and plan a family.  Pray that God shows us His plan and where to find our family.  Please pray for our patience, our understanding and our peace.

No one who puts his hope in You will ever be put to shame.
Psalm 25:3

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!

For more information on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:

The Insurance Battle

First, I have to thank God for the blessing of my new job.  Not only has it helped us financially, but work is a great distraction from everything that is going on.  I don't sit at home and dwell.  I am able to have a full day of work, come home and work some more.  There is no time for me to get upset, or think about the horrible things to come.  This job is a true blessing!

Now, our insurance...hmm.  Well, they sure have made things more difficult.  A few weeks ago I got a call from our genetic councilor.  She told me that she called the insurance company and they would not cover our microarray test or the lysosomal storage test.  She explained that the company told her that it was not a matter of them not covering it, it was the employer coverage.  I asked how much the microarray would cost if we had to pay and the answer made me cry.  We would have to take out a loan, or put it on a credit card to have it payed for.  We really wanted the test done, but did not think that those were options we wanted to do.  I told Tom about our conversation and he immediately emailed his MEA and insurance representatives.

While he was sending his email, I posted our news on facebook.  I had amazing response of people wanting to help us with a fund raiser.  Again, God has blessed us endlessly.  We have such amazing friends and family for wanting to help us find out what is happening.

The next day, Tom heard back form the representatives.  They believed that the test should be covered and were confused as to why it was rejected.  Come to find out, the insurance company thought we wanted them to pay for a test on a child we did not have on our insurance.  They did not understand that the child in question is not born yet and therefore it is a test for me.  Once this was clarified, they then asked for a written of intent from the doctor and a my patient history.  They needed this to pre-approve the test.  Almost like they did not believe us.

I made the call to U of M Hospital to have them send the correct documents to the insurance company.  Now we wait.  We wait for the insurance company to pre-approve the test, we wait for the test results, we just continue to wait.

God has a plan for us!  Unfortunately, He is requiring us to be patient.  We do not know what God's plan is.  We do not know when God is going to happen.  We do not know where our family is coming from.  Here is what we do know;

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!