Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well, it has hit me, full force.  I want to sleep all the time.  I get up feeling great, but it is not long before I need a nap.  Once up from my nap I want another one.  Going out to do normal things takes so much out of me.  I can barely make it through the grocery store, I feel like I am going to fall asleep driving to work...and work, don't get me started. 

Just for the record, I am NOT complaining!  I am so happy to feel the fatigue.  I know my body is giving our baby everything that it needs to grow into a healthy, happy, God-loving person.  I have not had morning sickness yet, but it will be welcomed when it comes.  This way I know my body is producing the hormones the baby needs even if it makes me sick. 

I may be physically exhausted, but spiritually I have been renewed.  God has given me a baby and a hope.  He has given me the hope of eternal life in heaven.  I cling to God's every Word.

But he answered, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God."  Matthew 4:4

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!

Friday, June 17, 2011

God's Timing

I want to tell everyone about our new little one!  Every person I see I have to remember to not tell them that I am pregnant.  I have to hold my tongue every time someone offers me caffeine or alcohol.  I have to pretend I just don't want it.  I want to talk about future things that will include the baby, but I have to stop myself.  I am so ready to tell people, but I know I can't.

Tom and I have decided to wait until after our first ultrasound before we go public with the pregnancy.  We want to wait to see if this will be another hard pregnancy or an easy one (we are fervently praying for and easy one).  We want to have more information before we have to tell everyone about our little one.  We can then tell them everything at once instead of having to tell them at multiple different times.  I understand the logic of waiting, but I am too excited!

Everything is right in God's time.  I know that God will give us the perfect time to tell everyone.  I know that in God's time things will happen and I need to relax and let God take care of things.

There is a right time and right way for everything.  Ecclesiastes 8:6

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Always a Roller-coaster

This week has been hard on the emotions.  It does not help that I have the hormones to accompany them.  On June 9th Tom was told that the Lapeer music program was going to be cut.  They did not mention that he would be laid-off, but after a cut like that, someone would lose their job.  Tom called to tell me and, of course, I cried...and cried and cried.  I tried to  be positive, but it felt useless.

I told my parents about Tom's job via text message.  They came over to give me support, not knowing that I was more upset because I was pregnant and worried about taking care of a baby with no money or insurance.  I also  posted on theBump about our situation.  I got so many support responses, but nothing helped until I had a friend give me some Bible verses.  It was like a slap in the face.  After all I had been trough, why would I think that God would abandon us now? The encouraging verses and prayers kept coming.  One friend even told her small group about our situation and they are praying for us all week!

The next day Tom found out that there are TWO music people retiring!  That at least guarantees him a position.  We do not know if it will be full time, but we are hopeful that God will provide for our needs.  I also decided that I need to look for jobs that are not in the food industry and maybe not teaching either.  I found two great jobs that I would love and am very qualified for.  My mom helped me with my resume and I will be applying for them shortly. 

Tom and I decided to tell our parents about our new little one sooner rather than later.  We had so many plans for the weekend, but needed to fit it in somewhere.  We decided to go over to Tom's parent's house for lunch on Saturday morning.  We toured the garden and went back inside.  Tom broke the news.  They were so happy for us, and excited to hear we did not have any issues getting pregnant again.

We could not stay long, so we left right after lunch and headed to my cousin's wedding where, some how, we had to tell my parents while not letting anyone else know.  In the car, on the way to the wedding, I told Chelsea that I was pregnant.  "I thought so," she responded.  I knew we would not be able to keep it from her for long, considering she lives with us.

We got to the wedding and my parents weren't there.  We saw so many family members.  We started charting and there had to of been 20 of us there before my parents arrived.  We went and sat down, knowing that we would not be able to tell them until after the ceremony.

The ceremony was beautiful.  We left and headed for the reception hall.  We got there to find out the doors did not open for another half hour.  We went across the street to Meijer to waste time.  Chelsea called my parents and told them they should come join us at Meijer.  They came in, said hello and I got right to it.  "I'm pregnant again."  They gave us hugs and were very happy for us and a little surprised we told them before the reception.  How would they be able to keep it quiet?  

Although we were on an emotional roller-coaster we know God is helping us through these times.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. They are plans for good and not evil, for a  future and a hope.  
Jeremiah 29:11

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A New Beginning

Today is the beginning of a new chapter.  Tom and I have been through so much this past year.  We have had our emotional ups and downs...from buying a new house to losing our first son, Grant, we have been through a lot.  Now, with the past behind us and the future God has planned for us in front we are excited to announce that we are expecting another baby.

I woke up this morning and took a home pregnancy test.  It did not take too long for a faint line to start to appear.  In disbelief, Tom wanted me to get a digital test to confirm.  Off to the store I went, as he headed to work.  I got the test and sure enough it read "Pregnant"  as clear as day.  I texted a picture to Tom (which he could not see) and told him that I was definitely pregnant.

I can not help but sing praises to God for this little miracle.  I was down on my knees, crying and praying this morning.  "Thank you God for another baby!  Thank you for trusting Tom and I to raise a child and teach that child Your ways.  Please bless this child with good health and love.  I claim a healthy pregnancy, in Jesus' name! Please let me be a loving mother, who will show Your love daily.  Anoint me to teach my child to be a godly person, to pray, to know Your ways and Your Word.  I thank you for this miraculous gift of life that is growing inside me.  In Jesus name, Amen."

I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of Him.  So now I give him to the LORD.  For his whole life will be given to the LORD.
1 Samuel 1:27-28

Praise God for His faithfulness in giving us a child!